In traveling to Honduras, you can discover a number of great sights and attractions. Perhaps one of the most important considerations, whether you’re making Honduras your new home or staying for a few weeks, is the cuisine. And so, in this latest post, we’ll highlight some of the best restaurants in Trujillo, Honduras. Café Vino […]
Month: January 2018
A Guide to the Benefits of Buying Real Estate in Honduras
Buying vacation properties is a great way to make a lasting return on investment in property. But many buyers don’t have a clear idea of the value provided by potential investments. In the latest post, we’ll explore more on the benefits of buying real estate in Honduras with NJOI Trujillo Properties. Experts in Local Real […]
The Benefits of Buying a Custom House in Honduras with NJOI
Custom homes have now become a leading option for those looking to buy properties in a foreign country. But finding the right market and choosing that ideal time to buy is often difficult for those with limited experience in the marketplace. It’s why so many homebuyers are now buying a custom house in Honduras through […]