What are the legal documents required to travel to Trujillo, Honduras?
You will require a passport to enter Honduras and will obtain a visa at the airport upon your entry into the country. You will be required to obtain an extended stay visa if you plan on staying longer than 90 days. The extended stay visa is only valid for 30 days. Therefore, for those planning an extra long stay, will be required to renew your stay visa every 30 days.
Does the passport need to be less than 6 months to the expiry date when making travel arrangements?
60 days is the legal valid time required on your passport prior to the expiry date, if you plan on travelling out of Canada. It is advisable to check your passport expiration date prior to making travel arrangements to ensure you meet the requirements. We would recommend that you have a passport that is valid for more than 6 months to its expiry date before entering Honduras.
How long is a North American Citizen legally permitted to stay in Honduras?
A North American could stay up to 6 months in Honduras.
What is the legal re-entry time for a North American to return to Honduras?
After 48 hours a North American could re-enter Honduras
What time zone does Honduras fall in?
Central Time Zone – they are exactly (1) hour behind Canadian Time.
What is the average temperature in Honduras?
The temperature year round is anywhere from a low of 20 celsius, to a high of 31 celsius.
Can pets be brought into Honduras?
Yes, pets are welcome!
How far is the beach from the residence, the water temperature and colour of the sand?
The beach is paved with white sand and is within short walking distance. The water temperature is normally around 27 celsius.
Are there reliable phone and fax lines, cellular phone use, internet connection and other forms of communication in Honduras?
Yes, all modern forms of communication are available for use.
List travel ways to get to Honduras, i.e airlines and relevant cost.
Sunwing travels direct from Toronto and Montreal Canada to Honduras.
There are several American Airlines that do fly to Honduras, to name a few: Delta, American Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways and Taca.
Is the banking system safe and reliable?
Yes, HSBC and Chase Bank to name a few are the options available in Honduras and offer the same service you receive in Canada. Banca Atlantida is about 15 minutes away from The Njoi Trujillo Beach Residences.
Explain the property tax system in Honduras.
Land Only – USD$60 per year on an empty lot
Once home is erected, then the cost is 0.25% of the total land value. For example a USD$200,000 property would be around USD$500 per year in property taxes.
When home is constructed, then there are maintenance charges (HOA) – which allows you access to the beach, common area (roads), electricity on the roadways and security.
***Land Only*** - approx.$1200 (each unit owner is required to pay this fee before the beginning of the year. This will include Security and Maintenance. Rates may be subject to annual increases.
What is the estimated cost of living expense in Honduras?
With $300- $500 you could maintain a comfortable life style.
What is the cost of employing domestic help?
The cost is about $5-$10 per day or a minimum salary of $370 per month.
What is the electrical voltage use in Honduras?
Voltage is 110, same as Canada.
What is shopping like in Honduras?
Local markets and grocery stores are closely situated, about 15 minutes(Trujillo Downtown) away. Or you can travel into Sante Fe 5 Minutes away.
What types of food are available?
Majority of foods are grown on local organic farms. There is always an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and seafood, along with fresh organic diary products.
Is the water drinkable in Honduras?
No, it is not advisable to drink the water in Honduras. We would recommend drinking only bottled water.
Are good lawyers, doctors and other professionals available in Honduras?
Yes, there are many highly qualified professionals available in Honduras. Doctors will actually visit you at your home for only $25. Getting a Crown done for example at your local dentist will cost only $125 compared to $1300 here in Canada. Trujillo has a hospital in town with English and Spanish speaking Doctors. La Ceiba is about 1.5 hrs away and has a hospital as well.
What transportation means are available for visitors in Honduras?
There are several ways to get around in Honduras. In-country flights are reasonably prices and there are several airlines that fly between Teguc-San Pedro-Ceiba-Roatan on a daily basis. Approximate cost of a flight is around $36-$75 on way.
Buses, including luxury motor coach (Hedman Alas) that has very comfortable seatings, A/C, snacks, refreshment and enroute movie. For security purposes, passengers must provide identification and are photographed prior to boarding bus.
Taxi service is also available – a taxi from San Pedro to La Ceiba would cost approximately $100
There is also the option of car- rental at an approximate cost of $45 per day.
What is the cost of gas in Honduras?
The cost is comparable to that of Canada.
Obtaining Residency:
To obtain Residency you would need to apply at your local embassy. It will cost approximately $2000 and this would take a few months to a year to obtain. In the meantime you can live in the country of Honduras while you wait.
To purchase your lot with a Honduran Corporation it will cost USD$1600 for your lawyer fees and registration with the first USD$500 getting returned to you to keep the corporation active.
You are entitled to bring in one car per year as long as it is not older than 12 years old. Shipping it to Miami then to Puerto Castillas port is the best means.
Please feel free to direct any further questions to Njoi’s website @ www.njoitrujillo.com or contact us by phone # 1-888-960-6564.